Saturday, November 21, 2020

Getting ready

 This week I delivered a couple of pieces for a group show.
It is very exciting to hang yourself out there for the public see.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Lots of triangles

It seems that I have been working a lot with triangles lately. 
Someone (let’s not called her a friend) said to me a while ago 
“Ah Maria you should move on from triangles”
Not just yet as you can see. Obviously.

But really, what else is there?

Yeah, well I was thinking of a log cabin or two, never curves though.

Not willingly. Not at the moment anyway.

Stay tuned for more triangles though. I’m not done.

BTW blogging form my iPad: couldn’t do that before but why is it double spacing the lines now but wouldn’t do it up the top and I can’t work out how to centre the writing....