Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Still too too hot

I feel like I am on a long boring terrible trip.
Like one of those long long flights 
from here to Europe
but I am in the sauna!

I should count my blessings.
The power is still on.
We have plenty of water.
I have a bath of cold water (my idea of a pool)
so I can wade in it now and again.
We have airconditioning, in one room.
And I can sew!

I love making tea cosies out of these precious little pieces.
You can buy one here!


  1. Love your tea cosies!

    Roll on cool change!!! I'm melting too!

  2. Ha ha, way too cold here with snow and a biting wind, I'd swap for your sauna but only briefly before I'd be moaning that I'm too hot!!

  3. Love them but don't sell them; keep them for the next exibition!!!!

  4. Tell me when you are running a workshop on tea cosy. I love tea cosy and have a few, but love to have a boro one!
